A trouvé 8 résultats.
1 This document was typed and made available in French by Sr Agnes Charles. Sr Felice translated it into English. Thanks to them both for honouring this historical record- personal to our DMJ history. J.M.J. Coloma during th...
1 Coloma pendant la guerre de 1914 ! J.M.J. 1914 ! Année mémorable qui sera écrite en lettres d ’or dans l’histoire de notre chère Belgique, année lugubre qui sera écrite par le sang et les larmes dan...
This document was provided from the archives by Sr Noreen Murray and typed by Sr Kathleen Clancy DMJ in Croydon 1939-1945 The European situation become more and more grave and war was inevitabl e. During the summe...
1 Malines A m e m o i r f r o m t h e E u r o p e a n c o n f l i c t 1 9 1 4 - 1918 Malines House of the sacred heart of Mary Rue Saint Jean “Le XXieme Siecle ” announced, in its edition of Saturday 1 st A...
Malines – 1940 Maison de Sacre Coeur de Marie Rue St Jean History of the War of 1940 Friday 10th May 1940 In the middle of lunch there was a phone call – the first of many. “ Do you have classes? The Germans have inv...
Malines Maison du Saint Coeur de Marie, Rue Saint Jean Historique de la guerre de 1940 Vendredi 10 mai Au milieu du déjeuner, un coup de téléphone suivi de plusieurs autres : « Y-a-t-il classe ? Les Allemands ont ...
1 Malines Maison du Saint Cœur de Marie, Rue saint Jean HISTORIQUE Mémorial - Pendant le conflit européen 1914-1918 Le XXe Siècle, dans son n° du samedi 1 er août, annonce la déclaration de guerre de l’Allema...
St. Anne’s College Sanderstead through 2 World Wars From the College Magazine … life during these years was not without its difficulties, not the least of these being the terrible experience of two World Wars. ...