Found 50 results.
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -19 Your zeal is carrying you too far, my dear daughter. I approve of your intentions, but I do not adopt the means you are proposing to me to go to the aid of M...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -2 My dear Niece I like to see that you remember dates marked by the special blessings of the Lord. Gratitude stirs up the fire of love in the soul; it inspire...
Lost/missing 18 -20
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -21 Madame This is the young pupil I was to recommend to you. You would do me great pleasure and render service to a widowed mother, and her little daught...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -22 My dear daughter in Our Lord Jesus Christ Your letter and that of M M Ph. gave me the most heartfelt pleasure. Those addressed to your good parents were...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -23 My very dear daughter in Jesus Christ It is urgent that you have a teacher of Flemish. Consult the Fr. Superior of the Josephites, and then also the Rev...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -24 Madame Superior From what Mme the Superior General has written to me and Mme Marcelline has co nfirmed, Mme Bathilde does not have the qualities require...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -25 I like to persuade myself that all is settled and that you have the happiness, my dear daug hter, of enjoying the most perfect harmony, and the result of you...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -26 Madame Superior There is nothing to stop you postponing the moment or the day of the celebration of the feast you speak about. The motives you allege are ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -27 Madame Superior The details you gave me about what preceded the beautiful feasts, gave me great pleasure; and I was consoled to learn that your dear siste...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -28 Madame Superior I returned on Thursday very satisfied with my journey. May stay at the convent of the Holy Angels has been short, but it has been doubly c...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -29 Madame Superior I am profiting by the opportunity offered by a very kind young Lady to address these few lines to you. It seems to me you will do well ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -3 I am pleased, my dear Niece, with the dispositions I see you in. I thank the Lord for all that his divine love deigns to do for you. Nourish gratitude, and you...
18 -30 (The beginning of the letter is missing) ... Be assured that I will commend you specially during these 55 days; after suffering, comes rejoicing. Make these truths felt by those of your children who have special need of ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -31 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ I left you on Saturday, very pleased with all that I had seen and arranged at your house. May God be blessed for his bles...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -32 Mme the Superior General does not have the power any more than you or I do of granting the dispensation solicited by Mme de Campigneulles. The sister could n...
18 -33 (The beginning and end of letter missing ) ...There would be sufficient motives for examining that matter without prejudice, and to enlighten the conscience of those Ladies by love of the truth and by charity. When the oc...
18 -34 (Beginning and end of letter missing ) . I hope that you will not delay too long in giving me news, my dear daughter. We are very pleased with Mary. Her faith edifies us and maintains in us the sentiments o...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -35 Madame Superior I have learned that the Ladies of the S. H. are established at rue du Cerf, No. 7, and that my niece is in that establishment. I urge y...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -36 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ I am pleased to learn that your dear pupils are in retreat. I pray the Holy Angels of the Ladies, the Sisters and of a...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -37 Madame Superior You have taken the best decision. I myself will write in favor and positively, this time, of the good your lady. If the objection based on...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -38 Madame Superior It is only since yesterday that I have been sure that my journey will not be made this month. I think I can fix my arrival at Brussels on ...
18 -38 (2) (Only the middle of the letter, front and back extant ) … will come to our aid. Let us count on the goodness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and let us have patience. Here are a hundred francs for the account of Mlle Anna S...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -39 I allow you, my dear daughter, to send the letter of the novice. I have commended, you, your dear sisters, your novices and your pupils, and above all these,...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -4 Your letter, my dear daughter, was very pleasing to me. I congratulate you on the happiness that divine goodness causes you to enjoy. Go on always cheerfully a...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -40 Your letter, my dear daughter, satisfied me on every point. Let us carry our cross cour ageously. The Lord will be glorified by it, and we will receive rewa...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -41 My very dear daughter in Jesus Christ Already you have overcome nature and you have rejoiced at the ineffable happiness that crowns the life of our worthy...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -42 My very dear daughter I cannot yet fix a time for you, but I hope we will see each other before Easter. If the weather turns mild, I will take advantage o...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -43 Madame Superior You will have to be very prudent in the matter of the house. It is true that the Parish Priest is buying a house that pleases him; but it i...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -44 Madame Superior I am very well aware of the grief that Mlle Anna is feeling. The cause of it is very sad and painful. But let us submit. I had already ta...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -45 Madame Superior Do not be preoccupied too much about Mlle Anna. The decision has been taken and you can abide by it. You will even need to calm down more ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -46 Be calm, my dear daughter in Jesus Christ. Your letter explains many things to me. I am very satisfied with it. To spare you the trouble of a second lette...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -47 My dear daughter Here are some letters from the Mlles Stack. I do not oppose the journey in any way. It would even be better if it took place in June, if ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -48 Madame Superior I think that already, for the sake of peace, you have sent Mlle Tiron to Malines. Although there has been and still is grave anxiety abou...
18 -49 (The top of the letter cut off ) It would be very pleasing to me to receive a visit from Mlle Vande Putte. It is so long since that good friend of our Ladies of Mary gave me the hope for the pleasure of se...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -5 I am profiting by this opportunity to say a few words to you, my dear Child. The good wis hes you addressed to me pleased me very much. I thank you for that si...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -50 Ghent, 25th May 1855 My dear daughter So our good God wanted to reward the pious Joseph and crown an edifying life with a holy death. Up to a few ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -51 5th of the Month of the Sacred Heart, 1855 Madame Superior It is certain that a free school is an element of prosperity, a source of blessing for reli...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -52 Madame Superior It is not possible for me to come to Brussels this week. The project you speak to me about does not seem acceptable to me. I will give you...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -53 My dear daughter It seems to me that the Rule I sent you belonged to your convent. If that is so, you may keep it. If it does not belong to you, send it b...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -54 Madame Superior I absolutely share the opinion that Sr. Mechtilde will be better at Brussels than at Mou scron. So, it is enough to let her spend the holi...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -55 Madame Superior I am convinced that the glass corridor is indispensable. Religious as well as hygiene motives, and the laws of propriety together require ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -56 You may send your letter, my dear daughter. Do not speak anymore to Mme Superior Ge neral about (name crossed out) and accept her for the sum that exempts yo...
Lost/Missing 18 -57
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -58 Madame Superior I am of your opinion as regards the sentiments it is fitting to nourish as regards the pupils. The adorable will of God and zeal for its f...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -59 Madame Superior I came away from your house very pleased. May the Lord deign to preserve his spirit among the Children of the convent of the Holy Angels. ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -6 I cannot thank our good God enough for the graces he grants you, my dear Niece. To exp erience that keen desire to live for the Lord and to belong without rese...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -60 Madame Superior You will be sorry to learn that our worthy cousin Henriette is dead. But what must console all of us is that she edified and consoled h...
L.S.J.M.J. 8-61(1) Madame Superior Please give the money for the subscription to Fr. the Superior of the Josephites in your town. That will save you from making investi...
L.S.J.M.J. 8-61(2) Madame Superior Receive my thanks for the good wishes you have addressed to me and the details you provided me with. I am also very touched by the ...