Found 50 results.
L.S.J.M.J. 8-132 Madame Superior The very numerous occupations of my nephew Henri, and a little displeasure at seeing proposals so often made, turned upside down,...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -133 Madame Superior Before Clara leaves your house, I am writing to urge you to give her, very prudently howe ver, a few lessons on propriety and reser...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -134 Madame Superior Your letter, or rather your report satisfied my curiosity to the least detail. I thank you for it, and urge you follow courageousl...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -135 Madame Superior You last letter provided me with new and good proof that you are profiting by the lessons of experience. It is a good teacher, t...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -136 My dear Niece I rejoice at the thought that the number of your pupils has increased noticeably. God be praised! You will not fail to do what enl...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -137 Madame Superior I thank you for the news you have given me and the good wishes you offered me on the feast day of our Holy Patron. I can tell yo...
18 -138 (Beginning of letter missing ) … If Clara repeats the performance, I will act in the interests of the family. The discouragement of the governess could produce deplorable e...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -139 Madame Superior Please send on the enclosed letters and give an explanation, if you find it good, especially to Mme Victorine and to my cousin Vi...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -14 It is finally your turn, my dear Niece, to get a few lines from me. You did not doubt for a moment, I am sure, that you had a share in the prayers I offered ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -140 Madame Superior (Dictated) I am very pleased to learn that my nieces Louise, Gabrielle and Térésa are doing well, and that they are proposing ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -141 Madame Superior Please send these letters on to their respective addresses. (Name crossed out, but one can read Clara) will profit this time by ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -142 Madame Superior I thank you with all my heart for the wishes you sent me for the New Year. Above all I appreciate all the prayers you offered for m...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -143 My very dear daughter in Jesus Christ I am taking advantage of the journey Clara is making to Coloma to converse with you for a few moments. First o...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -144 Madame Superior I would like to tell you of all the sentiments my heart contains that are capable of leading you to confidence as a religious. M...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -145 Madame Superior This morning, at 4 o'clock, I was getting ready to come and see you. But before 5 o'clock, the time for departure, a slig...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -146 Madame Superior I had promised Mr. De (Illegible) of Antwerp to speak about the matter of his daug hter to Mme Superior General. As my journey di...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -147 Madame Superior As I have not been able, because of the sentiments of filial piety the Josephites show me, to refuse to allow my portrait to be m...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -148 The good wishes you sent me, my dear daughter, gave me great pleasure. I appreciate the source from which they spring. I pray our good God to rewar...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -149 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior I thank you for giving me some explanations relative to the movements of Mme Kostka. I have been very pleased ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -15 I am very pleased to see you happy in your new post, my very dear daughter in Jesus Christ. I draw the conclusion that you are allowing yourself to be guided...
Lost/Missing 18 -150
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -151 Madame Superior My letters being still unanswered, I again ask you to what cause your silence has to be attributed. Is it because you did not recei...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -152 Madame Superior From the depth of my heart, I thanked out good Savior yesterday for the graces he has just granted us. It was the happy day on w...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -153 Madame Superior I imagined, probably wrongly, that the explanations to get rid of my fear that your plan would destroy the lovely effect your av...
18 -154 Here, my dear Superior is an answer I am sending to Mme Angele. I permit her to give it to her Superior to read. You are receiving here the 20 francs you advanced: 10 to Flore and 10 to Teresa. Without informing her ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -155 Madame Superior I am most obliged to you for the prayers you have offered up for me during these days of preparation for the feast day of our Hol...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -156 Madame Superior I thank you very cordially for the good wishes as well as the sentiments that you manifested towards me in your last letter. I k...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -157 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior Here are a few notes you will be kind enough to pass on to their respective addresses. I do not know whethe...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -158 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior I read your last letter with keen interest. I am very pleased first of all to know that you are restored to...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -159 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior My niece Louise had informed me during the short visit I paid you recently that she had not yet decided to ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -16 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ I owe you several responses that time has obliged me to refuse you, since you have been at Brussels. Now to make up for...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -162 My dear daughter It seems to me that Mme Marie Charlotte is becoming more reasonable, I will say even generous and the kind of Lady of Mary that I ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -160(1) I thank you, my dear daughter in Jesus Christ, for the pious wishes you have sent me. I am very touched also by the good wishes you offered me on beh...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -160(2) Madame Superior I have paid the bill of Flore and Mme Superior General has settled it. I will do your errand. Be tranquil. Your letter of yesterd...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -161 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior As I needed to go to the doctor this morning, I took advantage of the fact to ask him for some explanations...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -163 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior The reflections you submitted to me deserve your attention and mine. We cannot neglect anything. However, at...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -164 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior Receive my sincere thanks for the lines that you added to the letter of Louise, and that co ntain ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -165 My dear Niece (Dictated letter) I repeat to you with real pleasure that I am very edified by the sentiments with which your pious mother and ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -166 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior In reply to your last letters, I have the pleasure of repeating to you the consoling things you have learne...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -167 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior I wish to thank you for the lovely letter you sent me announcing the death of your dear Sister Mathilde. It i...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -168 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior I am sending you a few printed papers presenting reflections on eternity. You can have them distributed as ...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -169 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior Your two letters and the three reports gave me great pleasure. I thank our good God for the graces he is de...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -17 In response to your long letter, I will tell you, my dear daughter, that your Mme Superior may follow the orders of the doctor and eat meat; that you may als...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -170 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior I am taking advantage of the opportunity offered by my niece Louise to send you 35,50 francs with the reque...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -171 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior (in the Founder's hand) Clothilde Our cousin Louise will give you the little book and the 35,50 frs. m...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -172 -1 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior Being only very imperfectly informed of the motives for criticism about the meals taken by pupils, with thei...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -172 -1 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior Being only very imperfectly informed of the motives for criticism about the meals taken by pupils, with thei...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -172(2) Same as letter # 4 -376 L.S.J.M.J. 18 -173 (Dictated letter) Madame Su...
Praise be J.M.J. 18 - ? Reverend Mother When I received you letter, you had the consolation of having with you the Rev. Mother of Alost, whom for a long time, you had hoped to hav...
L.S.J.M.J. 18 -18 Your two letters, my very dear daughter, gave me pleasure; and in spite of the d efects you noticed in them and the spelling mistakes I found, you gave me to...