Found 50 results.
3 Letters addressed to Madame Adele Delacroix (1858 -1859) Mistress General of the Institute Born Jan. 11, 1834; Professed April 25, 1859; Died Nov. 25, 1903 To Mademoiselle Adele ...
To Mademoiselle Adele, novice 19 -31 L.S.J.M.J. I am happy to see that you understand the paternal care that our good God is lavishing on you, my dear Child. After the severe trial, has com...
To Mademoiselle Adele, novice 19 -32 L.S.J.M.J. Mademoiselle I share your sentiments of wonder and gratitude in view of the special favors our good God is granting you. It is therefore with ...
1 Letter addressed for Flore de Myttenaere, Postulant (1861) (Mme Emilienne. Sister of Rev. Mother General Andree) L.S.J.M.J. 19 -33 Your letter, my dear Child, gave me ...
1 Letter addressed to Madame Flavie Serrais (1842) Born April 12, 1821; Professed Nov. 16, 1843; Died Nov. 27, 1850 To Madame Flavie Serrais 19 -34 I am pleased with the dispositions you have received during t...
To Madame Séraphine De Troch 19 -35 I thank the good God for your good sentiments, my dear Child, and I congratulate you warmly, for having become an object of so much love on the part of the divin...
5 Letters addressed to Madame P (*) (1831 -1837) From: "COLLECTION OF LETTERS addressed by the Very Reverend Founder of the L adies of Mary", pages 30 -32. As in Letters 02, sections of original letters are omitted. ...
To Madame P. 19 -37 It is not necessary, my dear child, to search for new phrases to tell me how much you feel about what I have done for you. I easily believe that you have t...
To Madame P. 19 -38 I have been delighted to learn, my dear child, that your health is improving, and that the merciful Lord Jesus allows you to work once more at your perfection...
To Madame P. 19 -39 I do not wish, my dear daughter that you remain any longer in that imaginary fear of having lost my good graces. If you have been deprived of a letter from me...
To Madame Emélie 19 -4 Praise be J.M.J. You can, my Child, pray mentally and also say vocal prayers in the case you tell me about. It is the recitation of the office that I think ...
To Madame P. 19 -40 I thank you, my dear daughter, for the wishes you have send me on the occasion of my patronal feast. I know that you express sincerely those feelings which an...
2 Letters addressed to Madame Stéphanie de Jaegher (1838 -1839) Born May 13, 1820; Professed Sept. 25, 1838; Died March 27, 1840 19 -41 To Madame Stéphanie de Jaegher It is true, my dear child, that one must have Jesus a...
19 -42 To Madame Stéphanie de Jaegher The good sentiments which the good God has given to your heart, my dear child, arouse in me an ardent gratitude and I willingly join with you to give thanks to the author or all good. How ad...
2 Letters addressed to Madame Leocadie Muller (1837, 1840) Born Feb. 27, 1808; Professed Sept. 27, 1838; Died Oct. 5, 1840 To Madame Leocadie Mullier 19 -43 I am truly pleased to see that you understand bett...
To Madame Leocadie Mullier 19 -44 My dear child, be courageous, more fearless, more for Jesus and less for you. Fear timidity, little 'me' keeps you in the swaddling clothes of childhood and prevents you from ...
19 -45 To Melle. Justine Beyser L.S.J.M.J. No, my dear child, your letter is not too long. It has not tired me. In every sentence I find reasons to thank the good God. Indeed, this Father whom we have in heaven is granting you ...
To Madame Emélie 19 -5 Praise be the Child Jesus in his love for us! Your good wishes and all that you sent me on your part, my dear Child, have pleased me very much. I thank you ...
To Madame Emélie 19 -6 My dear Sister I hasten to thank you for your good wishes and I promise you I shall commend you specially to our good God. Be courageous, be cheerful,...
6 Letters addressed to Madame Raphaëlle Hennion (1835 -1838) Born April 28, 1811; Professed May 6, 1835; Died Oct. 21, 1839 Praise be J.M.J. 19 -7 Dear Madame Raphaëlle Ac...
L.S.J.M.J. 19 -8 To Madame Raphaëlle I think, my dear child, it will be suffice to add to an ordinary confession, a few faults or sins of your past life, those that worry yo...
Praise be J.M.J. 19 -9 Dear Madame Raphaëlle After the Holy Mass that I had the honor of offering to our good God through the interce ssion of the Holy Archangel your Patron...
L.S.J.M.J. 0-2 To the very reverend Mother General of the Sisters of Mary of Alost Very reverend Mother General It is in your hands as Mother of the Convent of Saint Joseph, the place of Mother being v acan...
LETTERS TO THE SUPERIORS OF ALOST (15 Letters dated 1859 to 1865) L.S.J.M.J. 2-1 Madame Superior Having mutually examined your business, I have to come to the conviction that we must ...
L.S.J.M.J 2-10 Madame Superior The weekly news which Mr. Soudan communicates to me is very satisfying and gives me the hope of our having a fine, solid and very suitable convent at Alost. In it may we make k...
L.S.J.M.J 2-11 Madame Superior I see nothing to hinder you to make known to Madame Superior General the proposition about which you wrote to me. However, it must be you who makes the proposition, and not a...
L.S.J.M.J 2-12 (Dictated Letter) Madame Superior I read with interest your notes on the expenses of your house. If you have sent the same information to Malines, I think they will not carry out the project...
Dictated Letter) 2-13 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior Here is the prospectus. Be so kind as to read it very attentively and return it to me with your remarks. Tell me also the number of printed copies you wo...
(Dictated Letter) 2-14 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior Msgr. the Bishop has charged Msgr. the Dean to bless your chapel and tabernacle. I unite my wishes with yours as regards ou...
(Dictated Letter) 2-15 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior I congratulate you on the happiness which God has given to you and to all your community, by allowing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to be celebrated in ...
L.S.J.M.J. 2-2 Madame Superior The extreme haste that is being put into the business which occupies us for your convent makes it my duty to not as yet give a yes, and I do not like saying no , without kn...
L.S.J.M.J. 2-3 Madame Superior In spite of my good will of which you are well aware, I have not been able to obtain for you the immediate decision about whi...
L.S.J.M.J 2-4 Madame Superior Your guess was right. We have not been able to accept the last proposal of Mr. Vander smissen. If the circumstances become better and if Mr. Vandersmissen is inclined to re...
L.S.J.M.J 2-5 Madame Superior It seems quite evident that the better choice to make, when the good God allows us to build, would be that of following, except for some modifications, the plan of the street b eh...
L.S.J.M.J 2-6 Madame Superior I am strongly in debt to our dear Lady Felicie for the grace which the good God has given to me of perceiving a strong desire to contribute to the building of the convent of St. ...
L.S.J.M.J. 2-7 Madame Superior I hope to have the pleasure of visiting you on Monday. It would be useful to see firsthand the project of the convent already approved. ...
L.S.J.M.J 2-8 Madame Superior Here is what the notary told me: considering that Florentine Gregoire is interested in the most important real estate, enquiries should be made on this person, before making the ...
(Dictated Letter 2-9 Praise be J.M.J. Madame Superior Thank you for your last two letters to which I am replying without any delay. I, as well as you, recognize that the departure of the teacher from th...
L.S.J.M.J. 20 -10 Mademoiselle Your letter gave me great pleasure. I was informed that your entry into religious had been put off for good reasons; but I am pleased to lear...
L.S.J.M.J. 20 -11 Your letter, my dear Mademoiselle, brought me very sweet satisfaction. I understand all you tell me perfectly well. Remember the remarks I made to you at Alo...
L.S.J.M.J. 20 -12 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ My replies to your letters require that they be written in my own hand; the result is that I cannot do them for you as pr...
L.S.J.M.J. 20 -13 (Dictated Letter) My dear daughter in Jesus Christ I know from your letter and from reports from your Superior, that you health is still very weak, but...
Praise be J.M.J. 20 -14 Generosity, openness of heart, confidence in your Superiors; these, Mademoiselle, are what I specially wish you. Then, many practices of exterior humility ov...
L.S.J.M.J. 20 -15 Your letters, my dear Sister, always bring me true consolation; in them I find fresh proofs of the great mercy of God towards you; and you know that I am too...
Praise be J.M.J. 20 -16 My dear Sister May our good God be merciful towards you, my dear Child! That good Father wants to have you without reserve and, as he sometimes finds you ...
Praise be J.M.J. 20 -17 My very dear Sister (name effaced) The time when I shall have the pleasure of chatting with you face to face, is not yet fixed; meanwhile we shall do it i...
20 -18 I thank you my dear daughter for the good wishes which you, and also all your community have sent me for the Feast of all Saints. Without doubt we have found an i ncrease of the zeal which we already have in our hearts in o...
19 -19 I like to think, my dear child, that for you to preserve tranquility of heart and to co ntinue to act for love of your celestial Spouse is the least that I wish and that I ask for you from the good God. On your visitations d...
LETTERS ADDRESSED TO UNKNOWN RELIGIOUS (39 Letters dated 1833 to 1864: Some undated. This set contains Letters 20 -1 through 20 -22. The translation of Letters 20 -23 through 20 -39 were not received from the English Province wh...
20 -20 Your letters of the 19th gave me great satisfaction because I know by it that you are searching to do the will of the Lord with sincerity and simplicity. Truly, dear daughter, the good God is so good that he well deserves ou...