
Found 50 results.

7-109 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-109 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General I think it is my duty to commend you, especially during your visitations, to St. Th erese, to St. Joseph and to the august Mother of Jesus Christ. I...

7-11 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-11 My very dear Child, Before leaving for western Flanders, I am addressing a few more recommendations to you. Be kind enough to pass on to Mme Marcelline the prescription for the remedy Mme...

7-110 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-110 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General Fearing that my letter may have led you to believe that your visit to Ghent may cause us embarrassment, I am sending yo...

7-111 Flore.pdf

7-111 Madame Superior General I think the moment is now well chosen for ridding myself of the notes I passed on to Mme Clementine. Please tell her to send them back to me from Alost, by Mr. Soudan the arch itect. Your d...

7-112 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-112 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General The news I received from Alost and Brussels was unanimous in expressing the satisfaction your visits have brought to our children in Jesus Christ. So...

7-113 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-113 J.M.J. Reverend Superior General I thank you for the congratulations you addressed to me in your name and that of your beloved sisters, on the occasion o...

7-12 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J 7-12 Your letter, my dear Child, gave me the greatest pleasure. I bless God for the fatherly care he is lavishing on you and I congratulation you on your faithfulness in corresponding to the bles ...

7-13 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-13 You gave me great pleasure, my dear Child, by giving me the details contained in your letter of the 4th. I have been able to send a few lines to the parish priest at Reckem. That little ac...

7-14 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-14 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ I have learned from a good source that the arrangement made with regard to the Superior at Alost, according to which th...

7-15 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-15 Madame Superior I am very touched by the pious sentiments that animate you, you and all your dear pupils, and that all of you have just manifested to me in so simple and touching a way. I ...

7-16 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-16 Madame Superior I thank you for the good wishes you have set me for the New Year. Be assured that I have likewise been commending you to the Lord during the lovely solemnities we have just...

7-17 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-17 Madame Superior The best means I can advise you, in this moment of difficulty, is to request the Parish Priest of Reckem on your own initiative, to come and...

7-18 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-18 Madame Superior It will not be possible to bring forward the time of my visit to Mouscron. Besides I do not see there is such an urgent need for my presence to put an end to the difficulty you...

7-19 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-19 Madame Superior I am very pleased, very touched and very edified by the good things you have sent me. I can clearly see in them two charming inclinations: a tender love for Mary and a ...

7-2 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-2 Dear Sister I have not had the time to answer your letter; but I have nonetheless taken care of your affairs. I have been very busy with you, before the Infant Jesus; and I have prepared th...

7-20 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-20 Here, my dear child is the answer to what you asked me relative to the communication about the summary of your Rule. I am sending you the letter of the Madame Superior General itself. You w...

7-21 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-21 Madame Superior You may urge the parish priest of Lauw to divulge to you the details he seems inclined to send me, about the project he spoke to you about. You may add your reflections to ...

7-22 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-22 You might indeed be right, my dear daughter. It is very possible that the parish priest of Loos is not seriously thinking of entrusting his establishments to you. Act with politeness, with ...

7-23 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-23 Madame Superior I very much like to see the end of the matter like the one you consulted me about; that avoids a waste of time that fanciful schemes give rise to; that averts communication...

7-24 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-24 I am very sorry for keeping you waiting so long for a reply for Mme Adelaide, but the period of the holidays at the Josephites gave me a great many more jobs to do. You have a reply from Mali...

7-25 Flore.pdf

7-25 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ I have just receive a letter from Bruges informing me that the Countess of Mal? is unwell and that as soon as her condition allows it, that good Lady will go direct to Malines. So you will b...

7-26 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-26 Madame Superior I am writing to express my gratitude to you for the good wishes you addressed to me in your own name and that of your dear sisters for the t...

7-27 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-27 Madame Superior Please be good enough to provide my nephew with the information he wants. I rely suff iciently on your kindness and prudence to limit myself to these lines; my position and...

7-28 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-28 To Madame Superior and the Ladies of the Convent of St. John the Baptist The approach of that very precious day on which the Church reminds us of the offe rin...

7-29 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-29 Madame Superior I should have to give you a great many answers this time, since you have written to me on several occasions, without getting a single letter from me. However I must aga...

7-3 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-3 Although I do not always answer your letters, my dear Sister, you must not conclude that I am not pleased with them. You would be very mistaken if you drew that conclusion from my silence. You...

7-30 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-30 Madame Superior Our Sisters of St. Joseph at Bruges have need of a little help in the field of teaching; their method is faulty, and there is not a subject among them capable of drawing up...

7-31 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-31 Madame Superior It is not possible for me at the moment to fix the period of my visit to Mouscron; however, I count on putting it back from the usual time only by as much as I absolutely have to...

7-32 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-32 Madame Superior While waiting to know your plans, here is my reply to your letter of the 2nd; I am delighted to learn that the religious spirit is being stre...

7-33 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-33 Madame Superior Here is a novena of the Prince of Hohenloke. It will complement the one we have begun. Add to your intentions, all my Institutes and the whole diocese of Ghent. His Highness ...

7-34 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-34 Madame Superior Although I did not answer you at the last solemnities, I have nonetheless been busy with you and your house. I have been praying the Holy Spirit with all my heart, to grant you a...

7-35 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-35 Madame Superior You must not worry about what the intriguing mind of (illegible) could give rise to. Your affairs are in order; and were they not, we would soon put them right when the nee...

7-36 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-36 I see with pleasure that you understand the need to combine prayers with human means in order to obtain pupils, my dear daughter in Jesus Christ. So let us pray and try to remove all that can be ...

7-37 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-37 Madame Superior I have seen with joy, that your are putting your confidence in God, that you are not afraid, and that your whole community is joined with you to ward off the storm by faith and t...

7-38 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-38 Madame Superior I have just come back from a visit to Malines where your dear sisters are all in good health. You can understand the joy with which I saw you are tranquil, putting all you are i ...

7-39 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-39 Madame Superior The newspapers will keep us up to date about events, and in all probability, you no longer have anything to fear for the present at Mouscron. We think you are under no oblig atio...

7-4 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-4 It is not out of forgetfulness, my dear Sister, that your nice letter, without a date, has remained unanswered for a fortnight; it is for want of time, it is sincere friendship for you that ha...

7-40 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-40 Madame Superior I have been keenly affected by the news you sent me. I can imagine the grief of the Burg omaster and his respectable family. I also understand the part your Ladies as well as yo...

7-41 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-41 Madame Superior In reply to your first letter, I will only tell you this one thing: if Mme Sidonie is not reason able after so many blessings from God and so much kindness towards her on our par...

7-42 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-42 Madame Superior I am pleased to announce the arrival of that good Victorine whom you loved so affecti onately during her childhood. The same disposition that made that young person dear to...

7-43 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-43 Madame Superior The details you gave me about your community and, in particular, those about Mlle Vict orine, pleased me. I hope that Mme Catherine will draw from her ailments all the good the ...

7-44 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-44 Madame Superior I have the pleasure of informing you that your retreat can take place according to your wishes, on the 2nd of September. Rev. Fr. Sourant(?) is remarkably obliging us. We owe him...

7-45 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-45 Madame Superior The sentiments that have presided over the writing of the letter you dear pupils addressed to me are too good for me not to do all I possibly can to bring it about that the clo...

7-46 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-46 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ I like to persuade myself that you have taken seriously the stress I laid on obtaining that our Mistress generals of convents, and at their head, the Mistress ge...

7-47 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-47 Madame Superior The short letter I had wrongly addressed to Mme Clementine, was intended to Mme Ma rcelline; it was the result of a conversation I had with the Lady. I am far from disappr...

7-48 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-48 Madame Superior General I sent your letter for the Rev. Father Superior to Grammont. You may count on my fidelity and sincere devotedness as my duty and feelings of religious affection require. ...

7-49 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-49 Madame Superior General It appears that your are waiting for my visitations in order to arrange yours. I urge you to yield to the wish expressed in our convents, that you go to see and bless you...

7-5 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-5 I thank you, dear Sister, for the good wishes that you have expressed to me and that I think are all the more sincere as they are written in prose; poetry alone ha...

7-50 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 7-50 Madame Superior General You are right in considering the visitation of your convents to be one of the most impo rtant functions of your office. I thank our good God for making you understand tha...

7-51 Flore.pdf

L.S.J.M.J 7-51. Madame Superior General The work you submitted to me has my full approval. I have not changed one iota of it. I am sending it back to you herewith. I have read and re -read with sentiments of...