Found 27 results.
(Dictated Letter) 7-98 Madame Superior General I have just seen in the historical and literary journal of Liege a circular from His Em. the Ca rdinal, to the Superiors of religious communities teaching in his arch...
(Dictated Letter) 7-99 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General Last Saturday, in the morning, piously and full of spiritual consolation, there died at the Convent of Blanckenberghe...
LETTERS ADDRESSED TO MADAME RAPHAELLE BECQ Superior at Malines; Superior General 1885 -1900 Born June 12, 1831; Professed Sept. 14, 1855; Died March 30, 1900 (4 Letters dated 1854 to 1865) 8-1 L.S.J.M.J. ...
L.S.J.M.J. 8-2 Since you received my letter, an indisposition has put me back into the state I had been in for a few months. That is the cause of the delay I have been obliged to make in an swering you, and of my...
L.S.J.M.J. 8-3 (Dictated Letter) Madame Superior I see with real pleasure that your visit with me has been agreeable and useful. Your letter which you sent me, with Mme Superior General, added again to my sat...
L.S.J.M.J. 8-4 (Dictated Letter) Madame Superior I read with consolation your very cordial letter and those of your very dear sisters, so full of pious sentiments and to...
LETTERS ADDRESSED TO MADAME ALOYSE BRUYCHER Superior of the Convent of the Holy Angels, Brussels Born Jan. 10, 1815; Professed Aug. 29, 1832; Died Feb. 21, 1838 (12 Letters Dated 1832 to 1838) L.S.J.M.J ...
Praise be J.M.J. 9-10 My dear Sister Aloÿse I have been following you with my prayers and blessings, on the journey that the adorable will of God will make your undertake. I say ...
Praise be J.M.J. 9-11 You see, my very dear Child, that our good God is taking care of you and does not lose sight of you. That excellent Father; that tender Friend, that loving Spo...
Praise be J.M.J. 9-12 My dear Sister I had the joy of seeing here in good health our very Rev. Mother and our Rev. Superior of Alost. We examined certain points some of which have...
L.S.J.M.J. 9-2 My dear Child Aloÿse The more we go forward the more I marvel at the way our good God is leading you. Yes, my Child, the Lord is good and merciful! Yes, you must love him very much, since he is ki...
L.S.J.M.J 9-3 My dear Sister Aloÿse I am pleased to take advantage of an opportunity that is being appropriately offered in order to have a chat with you for a moment. I do not like to treat you as an infant and...
9-4 Dear Sister You must receive a fresh proof of what I told you in the little note I sent you by my nephew. I am earnestly praying our good God to bless my young Sister Aloÿse so that she may one day be an excellent instrument ...
Praise be J.M.J. 9-5 My dear Sister Although I did not answer your letter immediately, you will not have concluded that it did not arouse any interest in me; you know that everyth...
Praise be J.M.J 9-6 Your brief letter, my dear Child, reminded me of my promises and I hasten to fulfill them. First of all, your dear Sister Seraphine will find something to choose in the least m ediocre mode...
Praise be J.M.J. 9-7 I will write, my dear Sister, to the person whose letter you sent me. I remember perfectly well the good accounts that the good Théodosie gave me of her in th...
Praise be J.M.J. 9-8 Here, my dear sister, is a new trial to which your very devoted Father and your very worthy Mother General think themselves obliged to submit your obedience and ...
Praise be J.M.J. 9-9 Dear Sister I am hastening to make up for my mistake. Here is the article revised and ready for copying; however, please read it beforehand, with the Rev. Mot...
CORPUS IntroductionLe chanoine Constant-Guillaume Van Crombrugghe (1789-1865) est fondateur et père spirituel de trois congrégations féminines, lesFilles de Marie et de Joseph, dites Dames de Marie, les Sœurs de Saint Joseph, les S...
CORPUS 5. Lettres à Catherine Dal Supérieure à Mouscron36¤lettres. 5-1 29.12.1833 À Catherine Dal A 2A 1, A 5-1[L.] s J. M. J.Révérende MèreGrâces soient rendues au bon Dieu de vous avoir rendu la santé et la paix! C ’est parce ...
CORPUS 6. Lettres à Olympiade Derville Décédée en 1887. re supérieure générale après Julie HerbauLes manuscrits de ce lot portent une numérotation ancienne, de 1 à¤374. Cette numérotation d ’origine est conservée ici, bien qu...
CORPUS 7. Lettres à Flore Delhaye 7-1 20.09.1834 À Flore Delhaye A 2A 1, A 7-1Loués soient J. M. J.Ma chère sœurVous avez si bien trouvé les raisons de l ’embarras où l ’on se trouve quelquefois, avant de commencer une lettre, q...
CORPUS 8. Lettres à Raphaëlle Becq 8-1 04.12.1854 À Raphaëlle Becq A 2A 1, A 8-1L. s J. M. J.MademoiselleVous vous êtes prise de telle façon dans la demande que vous venez de m ’adresser que lors même que la chose eût été possibl...
CORPUS 15. Lettres à Colombe Verduyn 15-1 25.07.1831 À Colombe Verduyn A 2A 1, A 15-1 JoffrouwUwen brief is my zeer aengenaem geweést; ik heb er uyt besloten dat gy rechtzinniglyk God zoekt, en dat gy verstaet de stem die u roep...
CORPUS 19. Lettres à diverses personnes 19-1 19.04.1831 À Émilie Lecroart A 2A 1, A 19-1 À Madame ÉmélieL. S. J. M. J.Ma bonne EnfantJe suis sensible aux bons sentiments que vous m ’exprimez; je vous félicite de comprendre de plu...
CORPUS 27. Lettres aux joséphites Les archives des Dames de Marie n’ont qu ’une transcription sur fichier des lettres aux joséphites. N ’ayant pas eu accès aux originaux, qui se trouvent au KADOC à Louvain, nous n ’avons pu déter...
CORPUS 28. Lettres à sa famille Les archives des Dames de Marie n’ont qu ’une transcription sur fichier des lettres à la famille, sans indication du lieu de conservation des originaux . 28- 1 03.02.1804 À Monsieur et Madame Van ...