
A trouvé 27 résultats.

7-98 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-98 Madame Superior General I have just seen in the historical and literary journal of Liege a circular from His Em. the Ca rdinal, to the Superiors of religious communities teaching in his arch...

7-99 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-99 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General Last Saturday, in the morning, piously and full of spiritual consolation, there died at the Convent of Blanckenberghe...

8-1 Raphealle.pdf

LETTERS ADDRESSED TO MADAME RAPHAELLE BECQ Superior at Malines; Superior General 1885 -1900 Born June 12, 1831; Professed Sept. 14, 1855; Died March 30, 1900 (4 Letters dated 1854 to 1865) 8-1 L.S.J.M.J. ...

8-2 Raphealle.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 8-2 Since you received my letter, an indisposition has put me back into the state I had been in for a few months. That is the cause of the delay I have been obliged to make in an swering you, and of my...

8-3 Raphealle.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 8-3 (Dictated Letter) Madame Superior I see with real pleasure that your visit with me has been agreeable and useful. Your letter which you sent me, with Mme Superior General, added again to my sat...

8-4 Raphealle.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 8-4 (Dictated Letter) Madame Superior I read with consolation your very cordial letter and those of your very dear sisters, so full of pious sentiments and to...

9-1 Aloyse.pdf

LETTERS ADDRESSED TO MADAME ALOYSE BRUYCHER Superior of the Convent of the Holy Angels, Brussels Born Jan. 10, 1815; Professed Aug. 29, 1832; Died Feb. 21, 1838 (12 Letters Dated 1832 to 1838) L.S.J.M.J ...

9-10 Aloyse.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 9-10 My dear Sister Aloÿse I have been following you with my prayers and blessings, on the journey that the adorable will of God will make your undertake. I say ...

9-11 Aloyse.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 9-11 You see, my very dear Child, that our good God is taking care of you and does not lose sight of you. That excellent Father; that tender Friend, that loving Spo...

9-12 Aloyse.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 9-12 My dear Sister I had the joy of seeing here in good health our very Rev. Mother and our Rev. Superior of Alost. We examined certain points some of which have...

9-2 Aloyse.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 9-2 My dear Child Aloÿse The more we go forward the more I marvel at the way our good God is leading you. Yes, my Child, the Lord is good and merciful! Yes, you must love him very much, since he is ki...

9-3 Aloyse.pdf

L.S.J.M.J 9-3 My dear Sister Aloÿse I am pleased to take advantage of an opportunity that is being appropriately offered in order to have a chat with you for a moment. I do not like to treat you as an infant and...

9-4 Aloyse.pdf

9-4 Dear Sister You must receive a fresh proof of what I told you in the little note I sent you by my nephew. I am earnestly praying our good God to bless my young Sister Aloÿse so that she may one day be an excellent instrument ...

9-5 Aloyse.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 9-5 My dear Sister Although I did not answer your letter immediately, you will not have concluded that it did not arouse any interest in me; you know that everyth...

9-6 Aloyse.pdf

Praise be J.M.J 9-6 Your brief letter, my dear Child, reminded me of my promises and I hasten to fulfill them. First of all, your dear Sister Seraphine will find something to choose in the least m ediocre mode...

9-7 Aloyse.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 9-7 I will write, my dear Sister, to the person whose letter you sent me. I remember perfectly well the good accounts that the good Théodosie gave me of her in th...

9-8 Aloyse.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 9-8 Here, my dear sister, is a new trial to which your very devoted Father and your very worthy Mother General think themselves obliged to submit your obedience and ...

9-9 Aloyse.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 9-9 Dear Sister I am hastening to make up for my mistake. Here is the article revised and ready for copying; however, please read it beforehand, with the Rev. Mot...


CORPUS IntroductionLe chanoine Constant-Guillaume Van Crombrugghe (1789-1865) est fondateur et père spirituel de trois congrégations féminines, lesFilles de Marie et de Joseph, dites Dames de Marie, les Sœurs de Saint Joseph, les S...


CORPUS 5. Lettres à Catherine Dal Supérieure à Mouscron36¤lettres. 5-1 29.12.1833 À Catherine Dal A 2A 1, A 5-1[L.] s J. M. J.Révérende MèreGrâces soient rendues au bon Dieu de vous avoir rendu la santé et la paix! C ’est parce ...


CORPUS 6. Lettres à Olympiade Derville Décédée en 1887. re supérieure générale après Julie HerbauLes manuscrits de ce lot portent une numérotation ancienne, de 1 à¤374. Cette numérotation d ’origine est conservée ici, bien qu...


CORPUS 7. Lettres à Flore Delhaye 7-1 20.09.1834 À Flore Delhaye A 2A 1, A 7-1Loués soient J. M. J.Ma chère sœurVous avez si bien trouvé les raisons de l ’embarras où l ’on se trouve quelquefois, avant de commencer une lettre, q...


CORPUS 8. Lettres à Raphaëlle Becq 8-1 04.12.1854 À Raphaëlle Becq A 2A 1, A 8-1L. s J. M. J.MademoiselleVous vous êtes prise de telle façon dans la demande que vous venez de m ’adresser que lors même que la chose eût été possibl...


CORPUS 15. Lettres à Colombe Verduyn 15-1 25.07.1831 À Colombe Verduyn A 2A 1, A 15-1 JoffrouwUwen brief is my zeer aengenaem geweést; ik heb er uyt besloten dat gy rechtzinniglyk God zoekt, en dat gy verstaet de stem die u roep...


CORPUS 19. Lettres à diverses personnes 19-1 19.04.1831 À Émilie Lecroart A 2A 1, A 19-1 À Madame ÉmélieL. S. J. M. J.Ma bonne EnfantJe suis sensible aux bons sentiments que vous m ’exprimez; je vous félicite de comprendre de plu...


CORPUS 27. Lettres aux joséphites Les archives des Dames de Marie n’ont qu ’une transcription sur fichier des lettres aux joséphites. N ’ayant pas eu accès aux originaux, qui se trouvent au KADOC à Louvain, nous n ’avons pu déter...


CORPUS 28. Lettres à sa famille Les archives des Dames de Marie n’ont qu ’une transcription sur fichier des lettres à la famille, sans indication du lieu de conservation des originaux . 28- 1 03.02.1804 À Monsieur et Madame Van ...