
A trouvé 50 résultats.

6-52 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-52 Reverend Mother I was very pleased to learn that you are well and everything is going on as one could wish it to do at the convent of St. Joseph. May our good God be blessed for that! My occ...

6-53 Olympiade.pdf

(Beginning of letter is missing) 6-53 I have told you, on my last journey, that I was not counting much on the effect of my prayers. That statement has a very dubious meaning: as it comes from a sinner, my pray...

6-54 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J 6-54 Reverend Mother, It frequently happens to us that our letters cross and that you receive one from me at the same time as I get one from you. There is nothing much wrong with that, when we...

6-55 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-55 Reverend Mother, Yes, your life belongs to Jesus, and it is for that reason that I think you must take care of it as something not exclusively your ...

6-56 Olympiade.pdf

6-56 Reverend Mother, Your letter found me at Ghent, fully recovered from my minor ailments. Our very dear Clothilde had written to me last week such good news, and had done so in such a charming way that I was encouraged by it ...

6-57 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-57 Reverend Mother, I forgot to tell you that I have a novena of the Prince of Hohenlohe for your convent; it begins on the 19th and finishes on the 2...

6-58 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-58 Reverend Mother, If you lack expressions for testifying to the Superiors that our good God has given you, the sentiments of gratitude your heart feel...

6-59 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-59 Reverend Mother, The news you made known to me yesterday gave me much pleasure. I thank our good God with all my heart for the favors he is granting ...

6-6 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-6 My dear Sister I am beginning by remarking on a sentence in your letter; it is the one in which you tell me you would write to me more often, if you were not afraid of stealing time intended for ...

6-60 To 61 Olympiade.pdf

Lost/missing 6-60 & 6 -61

6-62 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-62 Reverend and dear Mother I have offered my apologies to Sister Aloÿse for my misplaced complai...

6-63 To 67 Olympiade.pdf

Lost/missing 6-63 to 6-67

6-68 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-68 Reverend Mother, I thank you for the details you have given me about our affairs of Brussels. Our good God is arranging a rich and plentiful h...

6-69 To 71 Olympiade.pdf

Lost/missing 6-69 to 6 -71

6-7 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-7 I am very pleased, my dear Sister, that you received some lights through my brother -in-law Van Wy melbeke , and that you can go on with certitude along the way to which you zeal and duty have le...

6-72 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-72 Reverend Mother, I am plagued with a worry and I think I must make it known to you. The work I gave you to do recently adding to your usual occ...

6-73 Olympiade.pdf

Lost/missing 6-73

6-74 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-74 Reverend Mother, Here I am again and I am ashamed of making you pay twice for the carriage of letters. My excuse must be in the multiplicity of my tasks ...

6-75 To 76 Olympiade.pdf

Lost/missing 6-75 & 6 -76

6-77 Btn 81(a) Olympiade.pdf

6- between 77 & 81(1) My dear daughter, I have just read your two letters. One tells me things I would like to (word partially cut out); I really do want to. I think you know my good will; and that is what is guiding your pen. ...

6-77 Btn 81(b) Olympiade.pdf

6- between 77 & 81(2) (The beginning of letter is missing) Again, very dear Child, receive the assurance of my true devotedness; tell our Reve rend Mother at Malines that she occupies a distinguished place in my memory, at the ...

6-77 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-77 Reverend Mother, Ten days have already gone by since your arrival at Malines and nothing from you has reached me, I have not had any news...

6-8 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-8 To say, my dear child, that I sympathize with you in your troubles, would be of no use at this moment; you need something other than our compassion. It is blind submission that allows no more reason...

6-81 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-81 Reverend Mother When I received your letter, our Reverend Mother General had already been gone an hour. Our good God wanted it like that. It would be impossible to per...

6-82 Olympiade.pdf

Lost/missing 6-82

6-83 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J 6-83 You will find my answer in the packet, Reverend Mother. I am adding some ideas here that have come to me since the packet was sealed. I have learned that Sr. Euphrosyne reads a newspaper that a p...

6-84 Olympiade.pdf

Lost/missing 6-84

6-85 Btn 90 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6- between 85 & 90 (Corner of letter torn) Reverend Mother, I am sorry that they did not get the Malines prospectus printed at Alost. That prospectus ha...

6-85 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-85 Reverend Mother, Good and evil things are wisely distributed, and our good God does not stop giving us marks of his love. I had just received the pleasant news that yo...

6-85 To 90 Olympiade.pdf

Three letters lost/missing between 6-85 and 6 -90

6-9 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-9 I hope, my very dear Sister, soon to receive the news that the house of Mme Cost is defin itively for the use of the Children of Mary and Joseph. I have just said Holy Mass in honor of our H oly Pa...

6-90 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-90 Reverend Mother, Being without news, I concluded that the fears I had this morning were untimely. God be praised! Our very Reverend Mother writes to me that she...

6-91 Btn 96 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6- between 91 & 96 Reverend Mother I was expecting that proof of your pious, loving memory, and far from being unpleasantly affected by all, you will tell me about...

6-91 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-91 Reverend Mother, I am taking advantage of the dispatch of the belongings of our dear Sister Stephanie to renew my recommendations to you regarding the health of the S...

6-91 To 96 Olympiade.pdf

Lost/missing: three letters between 6-91 and 6 -96

6-96 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-96 The end of St. Joseph's month 1838 Just a few words, my dear Child, to tell you we are continuing to pray with confidence and submission. That you m...

6-97 Olympiade.pdf

Lost/missing 6-97

6-98 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-98 Reverend Mother, The great change in atmosphere temperature and a little overwork or where everything is small, the least cause immediately produces its effects) h...

6-99 Olympiade.pdf

L.S.J.M.J. 6-99 Reverend Mother, I thank you for the details you have just made known to me, and I admit to you, that in the midst of our wretchedness, we must also see the ...

7-1 Flore.pdf

LETTERS ADDRESSED TO MADAME FLORE DELHAYE Superior at Alost and Mouscron; Vicar of the Institute; Superior General 1858 -1885 Born Feb. 26, 1816; Professed March 19, 1834; Died Feb. 9, 1886 (113 Letters ...

7-10 Flore.pdf

Praise be J.M.J. 7-10 My dear Child Only one thing displeases me in that poor Mme Flore who arouses such a holy anger in you; it is that she mistrusts the goodness, the love of her divine Spouse. Oh! my child, ...

7-100 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-100 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General I have sent your copy of the Brief you received from Rome to Mme Emerence, a ccording to your wishes. I am sorry I did not take advantage of tha...

7-101 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-101 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General The good state of health which reigns in your Institute, in general, is a favor for which we must give thanks to the Lord. As for dear Mme Justine, I t...

7-102 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-102 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General I am sending you the list of some relics the authentications of which are missing and anot her some authentications ...

7-103 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-103 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General I thank you for the details you have just sent me and pray our good God to go on gi ving his blessing to the houses y...

7-104 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-104 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General I am sending you the enclosed, instead of answering it. About ten months ago I wrote a long reasoned answer to an earl...

7-105 Flore.pdf

(Letter Dictated) 7-105 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General I like to think that you have returned safe and sound to your residence; and that you are pleased with your visit to Alost. A girl of twenty years ...

7-106 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-106 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General The person about whom we have had the honor of writing to you, my niece Clara and me, without either of us knowing what t...

7-107 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-107 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General I do not know how to express the sentiments of gratitude my heart felt at the sight of the precious spiritual bouquets you filial piety and that of yo...

7-108 Flore.pdf

(Dictated Letter) 7-108 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General The time when you will be deciding on admission to the second novitiate must be close at hand, if I am not mistaken. I am therefore approaching you t...