A trouvé 50 résultats.
L.S.J.M.J. 7-52 In reply to your letter of the end of last month, my very dear daughter in Jesus Christ, I willingly unite with you in giving thanks to the author of all good for the favors he has deigned to b...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-53 Madame Superior General By reminding me of edifying memories and setting before my eyes in all simplicity, pictures of harmony that the grace of the Lord can alone produce, your letter made a li...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-54 Madame Superior General In principle, I want all our establishments to be supported by a school for the poor. The children of that class draw down the blessings of the Lord on us and the other p...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-55 Madame Superior Yesterday I examined on the spot the plan for the chapel to be built at Schaerbeek. I no longer have any objections to it. I give it my support. The inadequacy of the premises is...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-56 Madame Superior General Your brothers in Jesus Christ gave an enthusiastic welcome to your proposal about the address and the gift. The matter is underway a...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-57 Madame Superior General Here is a fair copy of the address of our dear sisters. It will be sent to the convent of the Ladies at Brussels, where the Rev. Father Superior General of the Josephites...
L.S.J.M.J 7-58 Madame Superior General I am very late writing to you! Three of your letters are unanswered and yet all of them are certainly very well worth answering. The month of our Patron especially requi...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-58 Madame Superior General If you are pleased, you my dear daughter in Jesus Christ, and Mme Marcelline, with your short stay at my place, I can tell you in all truth that I was happy to talk to yo...
Praise be J.M.J. 7-6 My very dear Sister I like to think that you again called in Mr. Delbeke and that the Lord will give light to the doctors and good effects to the remedies they proscribed. On Sunday, I hop...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-60 Madame Superior General So here we are in the lovely month of Mary! Let us piously rejoice at the sight of the test imonies of veneration and love addressed from everywhere to the Mother of God...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-61 Madame Superior General I am converted. I did not know Mr. Labis. Confide to him your Rules and Constitutions, but as an exception and to him alone, the delicacy of his sentiments being known t...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-62 Madame Superior General I wish to express the satisfaction I felt on confiding my god -daughter to you, and seeing the charity which you, very reverend Lady, and your dear sisters, welcomed her....
L.S.J.M.J. 7-63 Madame Superior General I thank you for the details you have just given me. Your letter enables me to enter into your expeditions in the most agreeable way. It is a little model of amiable te...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-64 Madame Superior General The reports you have just made to me have been a subject of consolation for me, and I have given thanks to the Lord, the author of the good of which we have the happines...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-65 Madame Superior General You guessed my intention regarding the parcel ("l'envoi" could also mean the envoy: tran slator's note) I was asking for on behalf of our Sisters at Os...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-66 Madame Superior General The receiving of a Brief that the august Pontiff, our most Holy Father, Pope Pius IX, has just addressed to you, is very certainly an event worthy of being celebrated wit...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-67 Madame Superior General In reply to your letter of yesterday, I will tell you that several years ago, I decided that it is before admission to first vows, that our sisters are to be examined by ...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-68 Madame Superior General I thank our good God for the satisfaction he has deigned to grant you by allowing you to give me good news of our convent at Alost. Your itinerary and plans do not of...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-69 Madame Superior General You know, from long experience, what sentiments are in my heart at the departure of boarders whose varied behavior and quality have merited and obtained for them the este...
Praise be J.M.J. 7-7 My dear Sister Be assured, the project you talked to me about has not been and is not in question. Your Rev. Mother will arrive at Alost as soon as Mme Gonzague ...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-70 Madame Superior General You will have understood that it is always my wish that you prepare yourself by the reading and study of the Constitutions and Rules for conferences to be had on these su...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-71 Madame Superior Now you are the end of your fatigue at the conclusion of your school year. I congratulate you! You are not going to have a complete rest b...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-72 Madame Superior General Unforeseen hindrances have intervened to put an obstacle in the way of my plan to come and attend a few meetings of your Chapter. I might be able to come to Malines on Fr...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-73 Madame Superior General I have just learned of the precious end in the eyes of faith of our pious child, Madame Fel icie. God be praised! Now there is one more member of our religious family gat...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-74 Madame Superior General I have just come back from my last trip for this year. I have to thank the Lord very much for the blessings he is deigning to shower...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-75 Madame Superior General It will be necessary to deal with certain points in the Constitutions and the means to be taken to direct the business in Rome. So be kind enough to take a few days off from...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-76 Madame Superior General I have just remarked again that it would be unreasonable to require everybody to be of the same opinion about everything, and that there be differences of opinions for respe...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-77 Madame Superior General A little unexpected event having upset my plan for a journey, I have not left the town all the week. So it will not be possible for me to let you know in advance which day I...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-78 Madame Superior General You have no need to make excuses for arriving unannounced. You must have seen that you caused me no embarrassment, that you were very welcome after explaining your reasons t...
7-79 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General My niece Victorine has just delivered to me your letter of yesterday. I hasten to i nform you that I have just received from Rome the function of Promoter of the association for ...
7-8 You did well to write to me, my dear child; I was anxious, and when I am in that state news brings me relief. You must call in a doctor, and if Mlle De Brandt has no obje ctions, call in the one Mr. Wilmaere prefers. I f...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-80 (Letter dictated) Madame Superior General I like to think that the indispositions of your lay sisters are over and that they will all be restored to health by the end of the week. Be so kind as ...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-81 Madame Superior General While awaiting the visit of Mr. Scheldam, that you announced to me, I will say a few words to you about the Mouscron project. That project worries me; it makes me anxious. ...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-82 Madame Superior General Knowing your devotion to the Sacred Heart of our good Savior Jesus Christ, I think you would be grateful to me for making known to you a publication, about which a pious edu...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-83 Madame Superior Please be content with informing all your Superiors that each communion they receive, on the appointed day, every month, according to the intentions of the Association, they gain a...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-84 Madame Superior General On going over the papers I brought from your place, I felt real pleasure at seeing in your hands the project of a society, (word "societe" could also mean a partne...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-85 Madame Superior General As I must put an end to the business of Flore, I am asking her to write to me on Su nday. It is likely that our business of Alost will summon you to Ghent next week. We will...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-86 (Letter dictated) Madame Superior General As our lawyers have not answered as soon as we were hoping, the questions we had submitted to them, we will perhaps find ourselves obliged to put off un...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-87 (Dictated letter) Madame Superior General On Tuesday I went to visit the building works that are being done in the convent at Alost. I hasten to tell you I felt very keen satisfaction on the det...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-88 (The following letter is addressed to Madame Clementine) Rev. and dear Mother Superior Responding last week to Mme Helene, who was expressing a keen desire to see co mmenced the work of construc...
(Dictated Letter) 7-89 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General The compositions you sent me, gave me great pleasure. I congratulate you on the happy idea you have of occupying your beloved daughters in Jesus Christ ...
7-9 (Only the following fragment of letter remain) ... may now remain longer than I told her, if she found it good to do so. You have some chron ograms from Melle.
(Letter Dictated) 7-90 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General I think you will like the information I am in a position to give you, as well as the measures I will propose to you to take as a consequence. First o...
(Dictated except for signature and date ) 7-91 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General As the information on which I had based the decision about acquiring the little farm, etc., is not correct, my decision is of no val...
(Letter Dictated) 7-92 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General I am very touched by the good things you tell me in your letter of yesterday and by the good you wish me for the feast of our beloved Patron, which we ...
L.S.J.M.J. 7-93 Madame Superior General I am very touched by the kindness of his Em. We could never acquit ourselves of the debt of gratitude we have contracted if we did not have prayer, that very powerful means ...
(Letter Dictated) 7-94 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General His Eminence has honored me with a visit. You understand better than I can say it, all the happiness I experienced at this testimony of esteem and frien...
(Dictated Letter) 7-95 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General I have had a visit from the parish priest of Reckem. This old friend has been searching for many years for a family suitable for assu...
(Dictated Letter) 7-96 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General I willingly join you in making a novena to the Heart of Jesus for the intention you set before me. With great satisfaction I see that our efforts at ...
(Dictated Letter) 7-97 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior General Please accept my humble and sincere thanks for the magnificent bouquets you sent me in your name and that of your dear...