A trouvé 50 résultats.
L.S.J.M.J. 5-21 Reverend Mother The Institute of the Sisters of St. Joseph being separated from that of the Ladies of Mary and the government of these two Institutes giving too much anxiety and work for it to b...
Praise be J.M.J 5-22 Madame Superior I am very grateful to you for the prayers you and your dear community have offered to our good God for me on this feast day. Accept my sincere thanks and be assured that all...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-23 Reverend Mother With real joy I learned that everything is taking on such a fine appearance and that every day you have fresh proofs of the goodness of God towards you. So, praise the Lord...
Praise be J.M.J 5-24 Madame Superior I thank you for the good wishes you sent me for the feasts of Christmas and New Year. You may be certain that I shall not forget you during these days of grace, and that I w...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-25 Madame Superior I have the pleasure of informing you that we have fixed the 19th of this month, the feast of our Holy Patron, for the election of a Lady Superior General for your Institute...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-26 Madame Superior To save time, I shall address to you my reply to the letter of Mme Flore. I would be very reluctant to refuse a person, animated with the desire to work for the glory of Go...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-27 To Madame Catherine Madame Superior Please send your novices and postulants accompanied by Mme Caroline direct to Alost by the first train next Thursday. Mlle Octavie will remain at Mou...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-28 Madame Superior The health of Mme Caroline would have obliged me to keep that Lady for a few weeks at Alost to enable her to enjoy the rest she appears to need. But on due reflection, I am...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-29 Reverend Mother I am taking advantage of sending the enclosed letter to tell you I have offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to God today for you and your convent. I have prayed your hol...
L.S.J.M.J 5-3 Reverend Mother Your letter of the 14th of this month reached me only today, the 24th, and came via Bruges where it was posted only yesterday. It seem to me that you are paying dearly for the o...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-30 Madame Superior I was not surprised to receive the news you sent me on the 5th of this month. Our good God was pleased with the pious wishes of his faithful servant; she asked only for a f...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-31 Madame Superior The satisfaction I felt during my visit to your convent made up to me very much for the unpleasantness of the bad weather and dreadful roads. I thank our good God for the f...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-32 Madame Superior The interest you take in all that concerns me urges me to write to you this evening, having scarcely had time to do so these days, in order to recommend to the holy prayers...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-33 Madame Superior I thank you for the prayers you and your very dear community have addressed to Heaven for me during the touching feasts we have just been celebrating. You know from experi...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-34 Madame Superior I felt real consolation on receiving the good news your Reverend Superior General brought me of your house. I thank the Lord for what his mercy is doing for our convent of ...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-35 Madame Superior I admit to you that I can not explain to myself the request made for papers I had left at Mouscron. It is perhaps the anxiety of Mme Delphine (or rather that of her family)...
Praise to J.M.J. 5-36 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ I thank you with all my heart for the good wishes you addressed to me, and very specially for the prayers you sent up to heaven for me on the occasion of t...
(Letter lost/missing) 5-37
Praise be J.M.J. 5-38 To my dear Mother in Our Lord, and to all our dear Sisters of the Convent of St. John the Baptist The letter which you asked dear Sister Adelaide to write to ...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-4 I have been so busy for about ten days that is has not been possible for me to write to you, Reverend Mother. However, I have been thanking God for the blessings he is deigning to shower do...
Praise be J.M.J 5-5 To Madame Catherine Reverend Mother It is almost eight days that I am absent from Ghent and I will return there only on Wedne sday or Thursday next. So it is impossible for me to do you...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-6 Reverend Mother It is finally decided that my journey cannot take place before the cold weather. I ca nnot tell you when I shall be allowed to have the satisfaction of seeing you. I think...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-7 To Madame Catherine Reverend Mother I have been blessing the Lord for the mercy he showed by giving our dear Sister Eulalie sentiments so precious for h...
Praise be J.M.J. 5-8 Reverend Mother I have been thanking our good God for the unequivocal signs of affection His Lordship the Bishop gave your convent of St. John the Baptis...
Praise be J.M.J 5-9 Reverend Mother Divine Providence having led us to found an establishment of the Ladies of Mary at Malines, I have seen myself obliged to send some of (the) four first members there. Siste...
Lost/missing 6-211 to 6 -219
Lost/missing 6-331 to 6 -346
L.S.J.M.J. 6-(1) A Madame Superior The details you gave me about the opening of the month of Mary pleased me very much. There is reason to hope, it seems to me, that those exercise...
(The top of the letter is missing) … 6-(2) A I have read your letters attentively, and applied myself to understanding what our good God is asking of you. There is no doubt that zeal for the love of Jesus is...
The first page is missing 6-(3) A … profession may take place. With the feast of St Joseph falling on a Monday, it would not be pos sible for me to spend it at St John the Baptist, on the feast day itself. You will soon have ...
6-(4) A (The beginning of the letter is missing ) ... I thank you for the news you have just sent me; it is good, thank the Lord! With the cer emony taking place at Alost, it would involve moving five persons whose relatives ar...
L.S.J.M.J. 6-(5) A Reverend Madame Vicar Here is my Easter gift. It is the foreword of your Rule and the continuation and en ding of all the first part of that work you love with all ...
LETTERS ADDRESSED TO MADAME OLYMPIADE DERVILLE First Elected Superior General: Superior General 1840 -1858 Born Nov. 23, 1812; Professed March 19, 1834; Died Aug. 15, 1887 In the Congregational Archives the letters in the Foun...
Lost/missing 6-10 to 6 -20
Lost/missing 6-100
L.S.J.M.J. 6-101 Reverend Mother, I was pleasantly surprised to see that in so few days you have done so much work. May our good God who gives the mind, the strength ...
Lost/missing 6-102 to 6 -129
L.S.J.M.J. 6-130 Reverend and dear Mother, I cannot sufficiently express how much the letter that I received this morning relieved me. It seems to me that my c...
Lost/missing 6-131 to 6 -133
L.S.J.M.J. 6-134 Reverend Mother, I cannot thank God enough for the favors he has granted you, nor recommend you enough not to reveal the graces received from the Lor...
Lost/missing 6-135 to 6 -143
L.S.J.M.J. 6-144 Reverend Mother, Your letter gave me great pleasure; always write with the same attentiveness, hastening slowly. I like to think that...
Lost/missing 6-145 to 6 -150
L.S.J.M.J. 6-151 Reverend Mother, I have quite recovered from my travels, the fatigue of which had already cured me of the sleeplessness caused by my winter occupations. I thank our good God for it, and I am burning with...
Lost/missing 6-152
L.S.J.M.J 6-153 No indeed, Reverend Mother, God does not condemn reasonable solicitude, a wise applic ation to the duties of one's state; he does not disapprove of that unremitting care, that exact eco nomy, in short ...
Lost/missing 6-154 to 6 -163
L.S.J.M.J. 6-164 Reverend Mother Your letter did me great good. It was not only the illness of our dear Superior, but the series of difficulties that house is presenting at the m...
Lost/missing 6-165
L.S.J.M.J. 6-166 Madame Superior, The very merciful dealings of our divine Master with our dear child Bathilde must increase in us the confident love he asks of his favorite friend...