A trouvé 50 résultats.
Praise be J.M.J 4-11 Madame Superior I forgot to inform the Ladies of your house of the departure of A. and G. It is however necessary for that matter to be made known to them....
Praise be J.M.J 4-9 Madame Superior I hope that the basket and also the money arrived safely and that you will be able to put your mind at ease concerning finances. I have not yet had a reply from the Prince ...
Praised be J.M.J. 4-12 Madame Superior What a joy I felt at the news that the holy man, of whom God made use of to lead me into the paths of religion, from my childhood, and even to enable me to know my voca...
L.S.J.M.J 4-13 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ I put off writing to you because I was waiting for news of your Madame Superior General and thought I would take some steps regarding the points we dealt with...
Praised be J.M.J 4-14 Madame Superior You gave me great pleasure by sending me the good news of your convent. The sati sfaction I enjoyed at your place, during my last journey, although I was lit...
Praised be J.M.J 4-15 Madame Superior I have not found means to get you the novena you desire. As a replacement, I su ggest you begin a nine days exercise in honor of the adorable name of Jesus, from the 21...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-16 Madame Superior A conversation I have just had with some very sensible persons, inspires me with some regret for allowing you to buy the sofas you wrote to me about. It seems very doubtful wh...
L.S.J.M.J 4-17 Madame Superior I have just been offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; in it you have been the o bject of my special commendations. What, indeed, can we do of ourselves? Not...
L.S.J.M.J 4-18 Madame Superior It seems to me that the Rev. Father Superior of the Josephites was not at Grammont, when your letter arrived. So his reply will be delayed. I purposely abstain from speaking ...
L.S.J.M.J 4-19 Madame Superior Some time ago I received your letter in which you informed me of the visit of Madame Superior General accompanied by Mme Flore and of Mme Emérence and the good result of that vis...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-20 Madame Superior I have not seen Mr. Simoens again since his departure for the country, and I did not know that he had visited you. I have not heard anyt...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-21 Madame Superior On Sunday I received a letter from Mme. the Superior General, informing me that tomorrow Monday, she was coming to your place with Mme. Flore, to attend the examin ation of yo...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-22 Madame Superior The response of Mme Eudoxie to the remarks I addressed to you for her astonished me and, I must admit to you, really pained me. So, that...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-23 Madame Superior The dispositions with which you have accepted the decisions of divine Providence, confirm me in the hope I had conceived that you will a...
L.S.J.M.J 4-24 Madame Superior I am taking advantage of the return of the Charnes to write you a few lines begging you to read them to your dear children, and to your novices, whose hearts you are trying to form ...
L.S.J.M.J 4-25 Madame Superior Here are a few lines you will kindly use prudently and at an opportune moment. 1. It seems to me indispensable to take steps to prevent the pupils from sending badly wri tten or...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-26 Dear Daughter in Jesus Christ Your letters have brought me real satisfaction. In them, I indeed find once more that spirit of submission the Lord asks of ...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-27 I thank you cordially, my dear child, for the prayers you are offering for your Father in Jesus Christ. I too have been offering prayers and, above all, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for you and al...
L.S.J.M.J. 4- 28 Ghent, 14th February 1863 Madame Superior I have only answered your letters briefly; my health has been imposing that sacrifice on me ...
(Letter Dictated) 04 -29 J.M.J. Madame Superior Here is the reply of Mr. Lammens to the letter I sent on to him on your behalf. I thank you for the congratulations you addressed to me in your name and that of ...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-30 Madame Superior If you find it pleasant to open your heart to that of your Father in Our Lord, I can tell you that I gratefully receive those testimoni...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-31 Madame Superior Your letter gave me some precious details that brought me real pleasure. I thank the Lord for the happy dispositions your dear Sisters have shown in the exceptional circum s...
.J.M.J. 4-32 Madame Superior I thank you for the good wishes you addressed to me for the great feast we have just cel ebrated, and the very heartfelt congratulations ...
Letter) 4-33 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior I thank our good God for deigning to allow the few line s I addressed to you to be useful to you. I have no orders to give to your Madame Superior General, but I very willi...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-34 Madame Superior (Dictated Letter ) I was very pleased to receive the wishes you addressed to me for the feasts we have just celebrated as well as f...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-35 (Dictated Letter) Madame Superior If I have forestalled you in our exchange of good wishes, it is because an opportunity of getting a letter delivered to you has presented itself. So, ...
L.S.J.M.J. 4-36 (Dictated Letter ) Madame Superior and her beloved Sisters My dear daughters in Jesus Christ I hasten to acquit myself of a very sweet duty, that of expressing to you my thanks for the goo...
LETTERS ADDRESSED TO VARIOUS RELIGIOUS 6 Letters addressed to Madame Emélie Lecroart (1831 -1839) Born Jan. 6, 1801; Professed Aug. 23, 1831; Died Jan. 28, 1852 L.S.J.M.J. ...
Praise be J.M.J. 19 -10 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ I have begun the novena with you, and I have begun it with confidence. Yes, our good Mother Mary will help us; we can rely on...
L.S.J.M.J. 19 -11 A few words to my dear daughter Raphaëlle. I feel pleased to learn that our good God is strengthening you and your divine Spouse is purifying you more and m...
To Madame Raphaëlle 19 -12 Praise be J.M.J. My very dear daughter in Jesus Christ May the will of God be done. That is what your heart must repeat often, and in imit ation of that ...
1 Letter addressed to Madame Clémentine Rhenin (1837) Born June 7, 1820; Professed May 2, 1844; Died November 1, 1889 To Madame Clémentine 19 -13 L.S.J.M.J. Dear Sister You ...
2 Letters addressed to Madame Colette Wouters (1838) Born Feb. 25, 1818; Professed Oct. 14, 1835; Died Feb. 22, 1839 (Historical Note: Sr. Colette was considered a saintly person) Praise be J.M.J. ...
To Madame Colette 19 -15 L.S.J.M.J. My dear Sister I have just learned that you have not fully recovered your health. Are you taking the nece ssary precautions? Do you avoid th...
2 Letters addressed to Madame Séraphine de Troch (1839) (Letters # 19 -16 and 19 -35) Born Feb. 21, 1812; Professed Sept. 25, 1838; Died June 18, 1851 To Madame Séraphine 19 -16 Praise be J.M.J...
3 Letters addressed to Madame Julia Loix (1840 -1844) Born June 28, 1822; Professed May 7, 1842; Died May 25, 1854 L.S.J.M.J. 19 -17 Mademoiselle Julie Although you have many things to learn...
To Mademoiselle Julie 19 -18 L.S.J.M.J. You are right, my dear daughter, there is nothing wiser to do than to use the time the Lord gives us, to amass merits by the practice of the vir...
To Madame Julie 19 -19 Praise be J.M.J. My dear daughter in Jesus Christ You have always seemed to me so docile and so submissive to your Superiors that your present state of ...
19 -2 Madame Emélie My very dear daughter in Jesus Christ I was very pleased to see the sentiments of gratitude that animate you for the favors our good God is lavishing upon you, and for the sentiments that you recognize in me...
1 Letter addressed to Mademoiselle Sophie Dubus (Madame Hélène ) Born Feb. 8, 1811; Professed March 19, 1 849; Died Jan. 16, 1868 To Mademoiselle S. Dubus 19 -20 Mademoiselle I congratulate you on at...
3 Letters addressed to Mme Félicite Van Crombrugghe (1848 -1850) Niece of C. G. Van Crombrugghe Born Dec. 15, 1827; Professed Aug. 2, 1848; Died April 25, 1853 To Madame Félicite ...
To Madame Fêlicite 19 -22 L.S.J.M.J. No longer having had the pleasure of seeing you since you changed convents, my dear Niece, I am addressing you a few lines here to tell you that...
To Madame Felicite 19 -23 Praise be J.M.J. I have kept you waiting for a long time for an answer, my dear daughter, but you must not let that upset you. You have not been forgotten...
1 Letter addressed to Sister Albertine Oden (1854) Born March 16, 1818; Professed July 18, 1841; Died April 2, 1855 To Sister Albertine 19 -24 Praise be J.M.J. My dear daughter...
3 Letters addressed to Madame Apolline Delbeque (1857 -1859) Born Feb. 20, 1836; Professed April 25, 1859; Died July 7, 1859 To Mademoiselle Delbeque 19 -25 L.S.J.M.J. The happiness ...
To Mademoiselle Apolline (Delbeque 19 -26 L.S.J.M.J. I am pleased with your letter, my dear Mademoiselle. In it I find the proof that you will not go the wrong way. You have only to follow humbly and submissively the w...
To Mademoiselle Apolline 19 -27 L.S.J.M.J. I have learned from Malines and with the most keen satisfaction, my dear Mademoiselle, the good news you sent me. I have given sincere thanks to ...
2 Letters addressed to Madame Justine Beyser (1858) Born Nov. 26, 1839; Professed April 2, 1861; Died April 20, 1865 To Mademoiselle Beyser 19 -28 Your letter, my dear Child, gave me pleasure. The sentiments o...
To Mademoiselle Beyser 19 -29 L.S.J.M.J. You see, my dear Child, that grace is leading you gradually, and that the knowledge of the things of God is developing little by little in you min...
19 -3 To Madame Emélie Receive, my dear Sister, my thanks for the wishes you formed for my happiness and the prayers you addressed to our good God for the same intention. I hope you will be an swered, and the prayers I offer dai...