A trouvé 50 résultats.
1st January 1806 To Mr Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dépt. Escaut. Suburb of Noyon, Amiens, 1 st January 1806 Very dear Father and Mother I received from Mrs Byl the small packet you sent me through her. I...
1st January 1806 To Mr Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dépt. Escaut. Amiens, 1 st January 1806 Very dear Father and Mother It is in haste that I am writing to you on occasion of the New Year to wish you a very pros...
20th January 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dept. Escaut. Suburb of Noyon, Amiens 20 th January 1806 My very dear Father and Mother I hope than you and my dear brothers and my dear sisters are ...
4th February 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dépt. Escaut. Amiens, February 4 th 1806 My very dear Father It was with great joy that I received your letter in which I learned of the happy state of you...
24th February 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Grammont, Escaut Suburb of Noyon, Amiens, 24 th February 1806 My very dear Father and Mother. I am writing to you through the good offices of Miss Langevin who was kind enough to ...
1st March 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dépt. Escaut. Amiens 1 st March 1806 My very dear Father and Mother I am sending you my report for the month of February and I hope that y ou will be happy with it....
29th April 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dépt. Escaut. Amiens, 29 th April 1806 My very dear Father I cannot express how glad I was to receive your letter yesterday. I understand that yo u ...
9th May 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut Amiens, 9 th May 1806 My very dear Father and Mother The pain that I feel in reading your letter, and the concern which you have for m e, ...
13th April 1804 To Mr Van Crombrugghe, Brewer, in Grammont Gent April 13 th 1804 Very dear Parents I am pleased to let you know that we arrived safely here, and that Mrs Glusener is better tha n on Wedne...
25th May 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Amiens 25 th May 1806 My very dear Father and Mother The feast of Pentecost provides me with the opportunity of renewing my sent...
1st June 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Amiens 1 st June 1806 Very dear Father and Mother Enclosed is last month ’s report; I hope that you will be happy with it beca...
30th June 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Amiens, 30 th June 1806 Very dear Father and Mother I was very happy to learn from Mrs Byl about the good state of your health, as we...
16th July 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Amiens, 16 th July 1806 My very dear Father and Mother, I am sending you my report of last month, having forgotten to send it...
31st July 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Amiens, 31 st July 1806 Very dear Parents, I hope that you will have received my last letter. This letter to inform you tha ...
2nd September 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, the 2 nd September 1806 Very dear Father and Mother, The transfer of our School went well; the place that we now occupy is b...
12th September 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier 12 7brth 1806 Very dear Father and Mother In the hope that you received my last letter, I am writing to you no...
17th September 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 17 th September 1806 Very dear Father, The joy with which I learned in your letter of the 11 th of the month...
11th October 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 11 th October 1806 Very dear Father This is the first free moment that I have found to express to you, on occasion of yo ur f...
29th October 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 29 th October 1806, Very dear Father and Mother I am taking advantage of my monthly report to tell you of the joy ...
24th April 1804 To Mr. Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont Gent April 24 th 1804 My very dear Parents, I learned with pleasure through my dear brother Jean that you are all in good health, as we are all here. I am sending...
14th November 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, the 14 th November 1806 Very dear Father and Mother, The recent feast of All Saints provides me with a new opportunity to gi...
24th November 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 24 th November 1806 Very dear Father and Mother Fearing that the length of my last letters might have bored you, ...
28th November 1806 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier 28 9brth 1806 Very dear Father and Mother, For a long time I have been counting the days, my very dear Mother, ...
2nd January 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 2 nd of the year 1807 Very dear Father and Mother I am going to pester you with all my letters; however I cannot ...
27th January 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier 27 January 1807 Very dear Father and Mother It was with great pleasure that I learned the of happy state of your ...
27th February 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 27 th February 1807 Very dear Father and Mother, It is quite a while since I wrote to you; my application my studies,...
13th March 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 13 th March 1807 Very dear Father and Mother The term being close to finishing I thought I should tell Fr Michel not to send ...
24th March 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 24 th March 1807 Very dear Father and Mother I am sending you my report for this month, taking the same opportunity to satisfy a ...
1st May 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 1 st May 1807 Very dear Father and Mother I have just received your letter of the 24 th of April which caused me grea...
2nd June 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 2 nd June 1807 Very dear Father and Mother, I am writing to you again to send you last month ’s report; I hope that it will meet ...
12th May 1804 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont Gent May 12 th 1804 My very dear Parents, I hope that you are all in as good health as I am. This letter is to a sk you not to take it badly that that I haven ’t w...
2nd June 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 2 nd June 1807 Very dear Father and Mother I am taking advantage of Miss Langevin ’s visit to tell you in a few words, (because I...
19th June 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. Mondidier, 19 th June 1807 Very dear Father I am replying to the letter that you had the goodness to write to me about my brother. I give ...
30th June 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut. College of Montdidier, 30 th June 1807 Very dear Parents. Here I am writing to you again to send you my report and François ’. I h...
26th July 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of Escaut. College of Mondidier 26 th July 1807. Very dear Father and Mother, Yesterday I received the sheet that I was expecting from you. I am ve...
9th August 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of Escaut. Mondidier, 9 th August 1807 Very dear Father I received with joy, my very dear Father, the letter that you wrote to me. I will strive, with t...
20th August 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dept of Escaut. Mondidier, 20 th August 1807 Very dear Father and Mother I am writing to you in haste to ask you to answer my last letter, because time is short a...
10th September 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of Escaut. 10 th September 1807 Very dear Father and Mother. The sad disaster that has just happened to us obliges me to write to you w...
11th October 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of Escaut. Mondidier, 11 th October 1807 Very dear Father and Mother It is, very dear Parents, only seven days since I left you, but these...
28th October 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of Escaut. Montdidier, 28 th October 1807 Very dear Father and Mother The report which I am sending you provides me with the opportunity to ask ...
17th November 1807 Montdidier, 17 th November 1807. Very dear Father and Mother If you are in pain for a reason that you want to hide from me, since you don't judge it appropriate to write to me, the news that you...
18th May 1804 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont My very dear Parents, The Feast of Pentecost that we are going to celebrate gives me the opportunity o f expressing my affection, and of offering you my...
28th November 1807 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Businessman in Grammont, Dept of Escaut. Mondidier, 28 th November 1807 Very dear Father and Mother I received with great joy your letter of the 16 th of this month. The fam...
6th January 1808 Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dept. Escaut Montdidier, 6 th January 1808 L.J.C. Very dear Father and Mother I arrived safely in Montdidier last Monday when I should have arrived on S...
29th January 1808 Mr G Van Crombrugghe in Grammont, Dept. Escaut Montdidier, 29 th January 1808 Very dear Father and Mother My report provides me with the opportunity of asking about the state of your health, and to a...
12th February 1808 Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dept. Escaut Montdidier, 12 th February 1808. Very dear Father and Mother For a long time I have been waiting for your answer to my first letter. The happine...
2nd March 1808 Mr G Van Crombrugghe, in Grammont, Dept. Escaut Montdidier, 2 nd March 1808 Very dear Father and Mother I received with great pleasure the letter that you wrote to me in answer to my letter on the question of ...
15th March 1808 Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dept. Escaut Montdidier, 15 th March 1808 Very dear Father I have just received your letter which fully but briefly tells me about all my business 1 . I give thanks to ...
1st April 1808 Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dept. Escaut Montdidier, 1 st April 1808 Very dear Father You must have received two letters from me in answer to yours. In the first you spo ke to me...
12th April 1808 To Mr G Van Crombrugghe, Brewer in Grammont, Dept of the Escaut Montdidier, 12 th April 1808 Very dear Father and very dear Mother Referring to my previous letters, I take the opportunity of a devou...