
A trouvé 50 résultats.

02-141 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -141 You gave me great pleasure with your last letter. May our good God deign to shower new blessings on your house. Your dear Madame N. has written lovely, edifying things to Sister N. who is here with me. Mlle. N. whom ...

02-142 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -142 I thank you for the good wishes you have sent me. Be convinced that I am trying to be useful to you at all times, and that above all on the great feasts of the Church. I am redoubling my e fforts to draw down special gr...

02-143 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -143 I am very pleased to know that you have acquitted yourselves so well of what I had recommended to you in regard to the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin. You may count on the help you need as well...

02-144 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -144 Your New Year's greetings have pleased me very much, as those you send me, my very dear daughter in Jesus Christ, always do. Accept my thanks, and be convinced that I zealously commend you to Jesus lying in a poor ma...

02-145 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -145 You will learn more and more, my dear daughter, that good suffers violence. Our Lord taught us that. Let us get used to that doctrine and we will be happier. My kind regards to all your dear Sisters and especially to t...

02-146 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -146 I too am cherishing the sweet hope that Madame M. Charlotte, after 19 years of the practice of evangelical perfection, preceded by a most edifying childhood and youth, has gone to r eceive the reward promised to virtue. ...

02-15 Marine Coulan.pdf

02 -15 I find some progress, my dear Child, but it is not rapid enough, because you are listening too much to fear, and you do not clearly enough distinguish feeling from consent. You are still going on in a manner that is too m...

02-16 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -16 I noticed with keen satisfaction that your sentiments are being uplifted and that, forgetting yourself a little, you are becoming more useful to the dear family of Mary and J oseph. The heart remains small as long as one...

02-17 Marine Coulan.pdf

02 -17 I am pleased with your letter, my dear Child; however, there reigns in it a rather cold tone that I attribute to your too excessive fears. Go on more wholeheartedly; our good God does not disapprove of outpourings of the ...

02-18 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -18 I have been pleased to see, my dear child, that at all costs you want to triumph over the fault I have been pointing out to you for a long time. Be simple and you will rise above that difficu lty. Love your divin...

02-19 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -19 The adorable des igns that Providence has on you and a part of which he was pleased to manifest to us last week, have been the object of my thoughts and lively gratitude these days. I like to persuade myself, my very de...

02-2 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -2 I thank our good God, my dear Child, for granting you a little relief through my ministry, and I co ngratulate you on following the counsels I gave you with reference to him who is asking you for your heart, t...

02-20 Marine Coulon.pdf

02-20 The sentiments that our good God gives you are a subject of great consolation to me. Try and walk constantly along the way on which grace has set you and your administration will be a happy one. You can count on my good wi...

02-21 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -21 I am rejoicing with you at the favors that our good God is granting you with a kind of prod igality that must arouse keen and lasting gratitude in you. They told me that Msgr. was able to say Mass at your convent today a...

02-22 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -22 I have talked about your affairs with Monsignor, and I realized that we must ascribe to His Lordship the fact that you have been deprived of the happiness of receiving a visit from him, etc. There is no change as regards ...

02-23 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -23 With great pleasure I have received the good wishes you offer me in your name and that of all your dear Sisters. May the Lord deign to answer all your prayers, and you will all exp erience the effects of your filial piety...

02-24 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -24 I am always pleased to learn that your dear Sisters and pupils give you the consolation of being able to praise you for their zeal in fulfilling their respective duties. May our good God be praised for that! On Monday ...

02-25 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -25 By the arrival of the Novice, you have seen that I have been zealous in getting you the relief you needed at your convent, my dear daughter. If the trials your house is experiencing have di stressed me a little, I have ha...

02-26 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -26 I am very touched by the signs of your filial piety and of that which animates all my dear children at the Convent of St. Joseph. I thank you from the depths of my heart for the good wishes you sent me for the feast day o...

02-27 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -27 I have just finished your novena with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that I offered to the Lord in honor of our great Patrons, Mary and Joseph. I hope that our good God has an swered our prayers, that the spirit in your ...

02-28 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -28 I am much obliged to you for the lovely and very pleasant letter you have just written to me. Your sentiments towards your Superiors have been known to me for many years; but good things can sometimes be repeated. It is a...

02-29 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -29 I am very pleased with the sentiments you express in your last letter. That is how I want people to ask me for services; I am fond enough of being useful to you, but I have to plan my different duties and then act accordin...

02-3 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -3 I am very touched by the good wishes you sent me for the pleasant feasts of Chris tmas and the Circumcision. I thank you, dear Child, for your good wishes and the prayers you offered to He aven for me. I have not failed to ...

02-30 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -30 I am very pleased to know that the prize distribution went off well and that you are pers evering in the wise confidence that our powerful patron will obtain fresh blessings for you. Yes, Saint Joseph will show you that...

02-31 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -31 We have decided, the Superior General and I, to give the job of sacristan to Mme. N.(Clara) and that of linen Lady I forget to whom. I think you will do well to take this last job from Mme. N. unless you prefer to leave ...

02-32 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -32 I thank you with all my heart for the sentiments you have just expressed to me. May our good God deign to return you the hundred -fold of what you are doing for me. I am looking forward with pleasure to seeing you next w...

02-33 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -33 I like to hope that the good dispositions I left with all your dear children are being mai ntained, and that on the occasion of the solemnity of tomorrow, they will experience a new increase. It is not without any effort...

02-34 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -34 It seems to me that you could put off without inconvenience, the exposition due on Satu rday, 21st of this month, till Sunday. I am delighted to learn that everything is going on well at your convent. May our good God...

02-35 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -35 Here is the child of St. Joseph. I have given her a hundred francs for which you will give her a receipt. This girl does not have the goods of this world, but she has received more precious gifts from God. Let us try and ...

02-36 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -36 I like to think that you will have nothing to take away from the good accounts we have been given on the child of St. Joseph, but that the more you know her, the more you will also be able to give me a good report of her....

02-37 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -37 I think you do well to humor Mme. Euphrosine a little. You will do well to go on getting her to understand the usefulness of the behavior of Mme. N. towards her. You will also tell the latter to humor the weakness of her ...

02-38 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -38 The tender devotion of Mlle N. to our patron Saint Joseph is a subject of great consolation to me. You will try and foster that precious disposition in her. The status of Spouse of the Mother of God is the mainspring of t...

02-39 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -39 I have received the parcel and your letter. I thank you for your attentiveness and the prayers you are offering for me. I am also trying to acquit myself of the sweet duties of cha rity that our good God has put into my ...

02-4 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -4 A few words, my dear child, to tell you I am satisfied with your dispositions. With confidence, simplicity and cheerfulness, one overcomes all the difficulties that may present the mselves on the road to perfection. I hope I...

02-40 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -40 Your letters, my dear daughter in Jesus Christ, have been delivered to me in due course. I have not answered the first, because I foresaw that the messages that the Rev. F ather Rector of the College so kindly undertook,...

02-41 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -41 I had to say a few words to you in answer to your second last letter, my dear daughter; here they are: it is fairly ordinary behavior on the part of the Lord to hide himself, so to speak, sometimes from us, by depriving u...

02-42 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -42 The news that you sent me gave me great pleasure. Above all I was glad to see with joy that the holy cheerfulness and devotedness of your good Children leaves nothing to be desired, and that you yourself have resumed you...

02-43 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -43 Twenty -four years ago today our religious family was born in your town of Alost. I will say the Holy Mass in thanksgiving for the innumerable blessings our good God has sho wered down on us during this quarter of a cent...

02-44 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -44 In accordance with our decisions regarding Mr. D., I have submitted the matter to Msgr. and His Grace has judged it appropriate to nominate a Director in conformity with what is given as a ruling in the former arrangement...

02-45 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -45 My dear child, I have read your details about your interior life and have not found anything in them that need inspire you with the least anxiety, nor that merits a special reply. It is the repet ition in other terms of w...

02-46 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -46 I am very touched by your attestations of filial piety. Accept my thanks for your good wis hes and those of your dear Sisters. You and all the members of your community have been the special object of my prayers during t...

02-47 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -47 Here is some music that is sent to you from Mouscron, I think. You will find in the same roll a portrait that will remind you of a person who thinks he has some rights to your benevolence; that is at least what he thinks ...

02-48 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -48 I congratulate you, my dear child, on seeing you at the Convent of the Holy Angels. There you will find less of that sort of work that prevented you at Alost from getting sufficient rest at night. Mme. N., on the contrary...

02-49 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -49 Your letters always give me great pleasure, my dear child. I also answer them very exactly, as you know. Today, however, you must let me be concise. I have just come from Roborst and t omorrow I count on going to Tirlemon...

02-5 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -5 Now that the endeavors of the enemy have become useless, since your heart belongs to Jesus Christ, I will content myself, my dear Daughter, with telling you, you are wrong to listen to your fears and to dwell on the vagaries...

02-50 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -50 I am writing to thank you for the good wishes you addressed to me and the good inform ation you gave me. I can see that there is progress and thank God for it. I will indeed approve of your plan for the prize distributio...

02-51 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -51 I am very glad to know that your prize distribution went off to the satisfaction of the pupils and their parents. Try now to rest a little like a good religious; the Lord allows you this rest, after so much fatigue. I ver...

02-52 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -52 To satisfy the wish of the Cure, without doing harm to yourself, tell him that for several years your Superiors, to begin with the Mistress of Novices, have not stopped telling you that your are very timid; that confessor...

02-53 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -53 The fear that for want of a clear explanation from me, Mme. N. may not know where she stands, obliges me to write to you again to tell you that I am asking for an exact copy of the Const itutions of the Sisters of St. Jos...

02-54 Marine Coulon.pdf

02 -54 Our dear Lady Clothilde having been a Lady of the Council of the Institute and a disti nguished member of our religious family, I thought I must get some prayer cards printed and more specially recall her to memory. Here...