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LETTERS Number 03 and Number 3 are ADDRESSED TO SISTER MARIE -ANNE de PONTHIEUX, NOVICE MISTRESS 1830 -1853 Born June 17, 1788; Professed March 19, 1830; Died Dec. 26, 1855 (35 Letters dated 1832 to 1851) Letter Set Number ...
J.M.J 03 -10 Dear Sister In answer to your letter 3, I hasten to tell you that the young Sisters whose year of profe ssion expires on the 11th, may receive the blue belt that day. I am very pleased to see...
L.S.J.MJ 03 -11 I am adding a few lines to answer the letter I received from you the day before yesterday. First of all, I thank you for the details you entered into, which are all the more precious as they bri...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -12 Dear Sister I have learned with true pleasure that our young Sisters do not suffer from the diss ipation I have noticed elsewhere. May our good God be praised for that! Jesus Christ deserves our...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -13 Very dear Sister I have read and reread with great pleasure the de tails you have given me about my young children, and I have been thanking the Lord for the blessings he deigns to shower down ...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -14 Accept my dear Sister, my thanks for the good wishes you sent me. I too pray our good God that he will deign to purify you more and more so that the fire of divine love may act in your heart withou...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -15 Your letter, my dear Sister, provides me with fresh proofs of the love our good God bears the children of the family of Mary and Joseph. I give thanks to Jesus Christ for the attentions, so full of ...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -16 Dear Sister I thank our good God for the favors he does not cease granting us; and finding it impo ssible to do so in a way that would befitting, I pray our august Mother and immaculate Virgin a...
L.S.J.M.J. 03 -17 I like to think, dear Sister, you have taken steps to prepare the way for the Holy Sp irit in the souls I have entrusted to you in the names of Mary and Joseph and of their Spouse himself. I address my ...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -18 Dear Sister I like to persuade myself that you have taken all the precautions necessary for making recommendations in conformity with the interests of the Institute. The young Sisters must not keep b...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -19 Dear Sister There you are in the midst of crosses; however, have courage, the good God will show his strength -also it was necessary to go through these tribulations in order to come to the true lov...
L.S.J.M.J. 03 -2 My dear child The sentiments you expressed in your last letter prove to me that our good God wants your heart whole and entire and that you are effect...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -20 Very dear Sister Like you, I have felt sentiments of gratitude at the sight of the favors our good God is so visibly granting our very dear Sister N. Yes, through all eternity we will sing of the merci...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -21 I am answering the novices according to their needs, as you will see God is obviously hel ping them. I am delighted with their sentiments. If they become cheerful and generous, they will all have the ha...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -22 My dear Sister You are right in saying that the letters you have just sent me will bring me fresh pleasure. Yes, I am delighted to see that your children are responding to the kindness of the Lord. Th...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -23 What a joy for me to learn of the wonders of divine love that are manifesting themselves among your children! Feed my sheep; nourish them with the milk of religious do ctrine. That is my recommendation. ...
03 -24 To Madame Marie -Anne (Fragment) I cannot get used to the idea that the novices are no longer in touch with me, and no longer give me any news. It is true that the number of those young plants that are called to replac...
L.S.J.M.J. 03 -3 My dear Sister in Jesus Christ The importance of the office with which you have just been charged, is such that I feel impelled here to give you a few instructions suggested by the measu...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -4 My dear Sister The little trials to which our good God is subjecting you by withdrawing his sensible presence in devotion, far from afflicting you must give you more courage. Does not J...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -5 My dear Sister The details you have given me have provided me with convincing proofs that God has granted you special graces to fulfill with success the office he has given you. May God ...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -7 Dear Sister It has not been possible for me to get the retreat for you that Reverend Mother wrote to me about. The Reverend Fathers charged with this work cannot possibly render you this ...
L.S.J.M.J 03 -8 My very dear Sister I experienced a lively consolation and one that I will long remember, during my last stay among my beloved children; may our good God be eternally praised for the great...
.J. 03 -9 My dear Sister I cannot stop myself from adding a few words to this parcel for you. First of all, I will tell you that a postulant from A. is arriving who will deserve special attention. I think sh...
LETTERS TO THE SUPERIORS OF MALINES 1853 -1865 Superiors at Malines: Mme Eulalie Vandemaele 1838; Mme Hélène Dubus 1849; Mme Raphaëlle Becq 1855 (14 Letters dated 1853 -1865) L.S.J.M.J. 1-1 Madame Su...
(Letter Dictated) 1-10 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior I know the sincerity of your sentiments and I appreciate the good wishes you sent me. I hope that the good God will listen to your requests for your Superio...
L.S.J.M.J. 1-11 Madame Superior This morning, at 4 o'clock, I was getting ready to come and see you. But before 5 o'clock, the time for departure, a slight indisposition caused me to give up the project ...
(Letter Dictated 1-12 J.M.J. Madame Superior I thank you for all the kind things you say in your letter of the 1st of this month. I firmly hope that the month of the S...
(Letter Dictated 1-13 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior I will be so happy to fulfill my obligation of recommending you and your well -beloved chil dren to our divine Savior, on the occasion of the renovation of your...
L.S.J.M.J. 1-2 Madame Superior I think you will have to proceed with much prudence with Madame (name illegible). You know that the Ladies of Mary are accused of bei...
L.S.J.M.J. 1-3 Madame Superior Here is a response to the letter of your novice. It is a pity that all the novices are not in the novitiate and that their Mistress i...
L.S.J.M.J. 1-4 Madame Superior I think that Mlle Marie Louise is not going to triumph in the struggle which nature is arou sing in her. But we will be able to congratulate ourselves on what we have done f...
L.S.J.M.J. 1-5 Madame Superior Your last letters have given me real pleasure. I realize that you have understood the remarks I made to you through our dear and very ve...
L.S.J.M.J 1-6 My very dear Lady Superior Thank you for the good wishes, and above all for the prayers that you have sent to heaven for me, and for the pious family of which you have the happiness to be a m...
(Dictated) 1-7 L.S.J.M.J Madame Superior I am very pleased that you agree with the sentiments I made known to you. I do not disa pprove of your wish to render service to the town of Malines. As to the means...
(Letter Dictated) 1-8 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior I am very pleased with the sentiments you expressed to me in your letter of the day before yesterday; accept my sincere thanks. I think, Madame, that it w...
(Letter Dictated) 1-9 L.S.J.M.J. Madame Superior Your letter of Saturday assured me that the generosity of Madame Superior General has pleased you. I am most satisfied also with the other details yo...
LETTERS ADDRESSED TO MADAME GONZAGUE Left the Institute (*) (13 Letters dated 1838 to 1839) Praise be J.M.J. 10 -1 Your ...
Praise be J.M.J. 10 -10 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ Please send to Msgr. the Vicar for the Rich Clares, the letter enclosed here. I am taking advantage of this opportunity t...
Praise be J.M.J. 10 -11 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ This time I should need to apologize to you. It is really too bad to put off answering you. However, travels, new busines...
Praise be J.M.J. 10 -12 You and your dear Ladies of the convent of the Holy Angels have not been forgotten in my prayers these days, my dear daughters in Jesus Christ. The business ...
Praise be J.M.J. 10 -13 My dear daughter in Jesus Christ Your letter gave me a pleasant surprise; it is a proof that you have fortunately recovered your health. I thank our good ...
Praise be J.M.J. 10 -2 My dear Sister I have just received your letter and the precious relics you sent me. I cannot express what I feel at the sight of these treasures. I would l...
Praise be J.M.J. 10 -3 My dear Sister It seems to me that it would be in your power to give me some useful information about the first years in religion of our very dear Sister Al...
Praise be J.M.J. 10 -4 My dear Lady I will be sending you the note (word in French could mean: the bill) that you have just sent to me from the parents of our dear deceased. You w...
Praise be J.M.J. 10 -5 My dear Sister I thank you for the good wishes you have addressed to me. Count on my efforts to be of use to you these days. Here is my response: if the ...
L.S.J.M.J. 10 -6 My dear Sister I too felt great satisfaction at seeing all of you so filled with the desire to faithfully acco mplish what your divine Spouse asks. Respond ...
Praise be J.M.J. 10 -7 My very dear Sister I am delighted that I was so successful in obliging my children at the convent of the Holy Angels. I hope your pupils will obtain great ...
10 -8 My dear Sister You know your good wishes are precious to me and you have not been forgotten in my prayers these days in particular. Let us try to give our hearts unreservedly to Jesus Ch rist, so that he may make them pure...
10 -9 (It seems the beginning of the letter is missing) … I had thought that your Rev. Mother would be coming to see you next week, and that is why I did not answer your last two letters. It seems to me that it be very difficult a...
LETTERS ADDRESS TO MADAME BATHILDE DELHAYE (Sister of Madame Flore Delhaye) Born Aug. 13, 1813; Professed April 11, 1833; Died July 26, 1839 (22 Letters dated 1832 to 1839) 11 -1 Ma...